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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The XX live @ The O2 Brixton Academy

It's been a long awaited tour, but The XX finally came out from wherever they were hiding (it turns out they had in fact been making an incredible second album). Brixton academy was full to the brim, get any closer than three rows in and you would be hated by several north London scenesters. The atmosphere was intense as the crowd anticipated this long awaited tour. As the guitar and lyrics of Angels could be heard from somewhere, none of the 'XX's could be seen, just a dark stage and a brewing audience. Suddenly the curtain drop's and the crowd get blinded by a huge 'X' and the band dressed in their traditional black clothing, looking as laid back as ever.

The XX aren't a band you see live to have a good dance and get drunk, they are to be observed first hand how they play their incredible music. Regrettably we arrived late, so didn't have the greatest views but that didn't phase us or anyone else around us.

Admittedly the first album was better than the second, but in their defence it was pretty hard to beat. So the crowd reacted exceptionally well as they exquisitely played some of the best from the first self-titled album, including Islands and Heart Skipped A Beat. My personal favourite from their new album is Chained, and one of the songs I was most looking forward to hearing live, so when they started to remix it with Artful Dodgers 'Moving Too Fast', my heart sank a little, however they managed to pull it off beautifully.

This is a special talent The XX are in possession of, as they played their own cover of Last Christmas for Radio 1's live lounge very well and also their cover of Teardrops on the first album and their remix of You've Got The Love were top notch!

After ticking The XX off my list of 'Bands to see live before I die', I contemplated weather or not they should have been on there. I am not saying in any way that they did not live up to my expectations, they were very good, it is purely for the fact that weren't exceptionally spectacular.  

(Unfortunately I lost my phone that had pictures of the gig on it, so I had to nick some off the web!)

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