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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Jake Bugg: Bob Dylan and Alex Turner's love child?

There's another hype in Capital City! I only looked into Jake Bugg after seeing a poster, and the first song I listened to was Taste It, which is definitely my favourite and currently on the iTunes 'Song of the Week'.

Iv'e started downloading an album a week from iTunes, as admittedly I used to download illegally, which is easy as fuck, but also ruining the industry in which I want to work in! Iv'e also found myself getting very frustrated recently with ticket touters, as tours such as The xx, The Rolling Stones and Mumford & Sons have been selling out in about 3.5 nano seconds, then the tickets are instantly available on getmein.com for twice the price! WTF?! It's just not fair on actual music lovers such as ourselves. 

Anyway, back to Jake, my album download this week was Jake Bugg's self-titled album, which is very much a good investment.  I have actually convinced myself when listening to him that he is Bob Dylan and Alex Turners love child. His influences are Donovan, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles and Bob Dylan, and you can hear a little bit of them all in on his album. He's only 18, which is quite unbelievable after hearing his voice, and has been playing since the age of 12 and songwriting since 14! He's originally from Nottingham, and sings quite a lot about to trying to get out of there! There is quite a variety in the style of his songs, which is always a good thing (ahem, Oasis), and are all pretty unbelievable. Check you Someone Told Me, Lighting Bolt, Troubled Town, Not To Self and Fire! 

Unfortunately his November UK tour has sold out (but you can get tickets on getmein.com for twice the price and more!) However, there are tickets still available to see him next year! 

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