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Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Thieving Crazy Town

On recently listening to Mother's Milk (Red Hot Chili Peppers 4th album), released in 1989, I came across  Pretty Little dirty. Im going to be honest, I've never really listened to the whole album, so was shocked when I found a discovery which made me quite proud (although upon researching, I noticed it's a known fact for any hardcore Peppers fan), but the fact that I had discovered it all on my lonesome made me feel particularly special. 

If you close your eyes once the song has started, and imagine a hearty beef stew, you may be mistaken that its a M&S food ad. But don't be fooled! The song gets a whole lot better. After .50 seconds in, and then again at 2.02 minutes in, you can hear the same guitar riff that basically started Crazy Town's career. Everyone remembers Crazy Town right? They wrote that awesome song Butterfly. However I'm starting to doubt their awesomeness after discovering they used a guitar riff from one of the greatest bands ever...

Basically 9 seconds of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song made Crazy Town a success.

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