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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Ren Harvieu

Most people begin with 'I don't know where to start', but in my case thats all bollocks; I could talk about music all day. And with where to begin? I know exactly; Ren Harvieu.

I feel i should automatically dislike her, as she's younger and more successful than I ever will be. But from the first moment you hear this voice, as I can only describe as beauty, it's too hard to hate as all you want to do is copy and paste her name into YouTube.

Sounding (and appearing) as though she's appeared straight from the 1920's, this Salford born 21 year old is only heading up, as her music is getting more and more recognised. I recommend turning the volume up and beginning with 'Through the night', and work your way from there. Give me your opinions after spoiling yourself with 'Forever in Blue' and her own cover of the Rolling Stones 'Sister Morphine'.

She has a small UK tour coming up next month, so don't miss out on tickets (purchased mine this morning)


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